Organised & managed by industry experts with vast Domestic & International Experience.

Personal attention is provided to all the students.

Our productive training methods help the student to improve & develop their practical approach towards problem solving skills in real time.

  • +91-8309 441194

Why Flying Star?

Why FLYING STAR Aviation and Hospitality Academy?

Flying Star Aviation and Hospitality Academy is an elite Air Hostess Training Institute. The institute has a remarkable standing in the elegant student empowerment space and is a thought leader and pioneer in the areas of Aviation, Hospitality, and Travel Management. FLYING STAR Aviation and Hospitality Academy is a trailblazer in this genre to be sharing versatile, balanced and structured training programs and certificate courses in this niche for over a decade. The institute has the most recognition for this work in the international press and the biggest audience across multiple platforms.

At Flying Star Aviation and Hospitality Academy, we believe that students from all backgrounds can transform their lives and opportunities by elevating their mindset, personal presentation and strategizing on reaching individual goals and aspirations.

You can connect with Flying Star Aviation and Hospitality Academy and its community via our social channels and platforms to educate yourself on Aviation, Hospitality, Travel Management and Customer Service as well as grooming, elegance, corporate etiquette, personal and professional improvement.

Flying Star Aviation and Hospitality Academy proudly boasts of a team of highly qualified and globally-renowned trainers, and elegance instructors who bring with them the experience and qualifications that give Flying Star Aviation and Hospitality Academy the credentials to teach these subjects.

The core reason for Flying Star Aviation and Hospitality Academy to reach out to you is to inspire the belief in you that transformation never stops. Anything is possible – you can achieve anything – if you can dream and believe in yourself!



Our teaching methodology uses multiple tools of learning:


Our students benefit from organized, effective methods of teaching and practical sessions.

Why FLYING STAR Aviation and Hospitality Academy?